

The Ecuadorian Amazon

It extends over an area of ​​120,000 km2 on the western edge of the Amazon basin and much of it is still covered by lush rainforest.

Among the main attractions of the Amazon, found great diversity of flora and fauna, a variety of ethnic groups and protected natural areas like the Yasuni National Park, declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, which among others is part of the great system national protected areas of Ecuador. The main tourist route is the Napo River, the largest tributary of the Amazon River.

The Amazon ecosystem, particularly its tropical rainforest, is considered one of the richest habitats and plant and animal complexes in the world. As the planet's largest forest region, the Amazon is also extremely important as the largest producer of oxygen. The variety of macro and micro habitat is amazing, from marshy lakes to forest land that seems endless.

Pastaza and Puyo have extraordinary tourist attractions, many other private and operated by the municipal administration. While visiting these projects, you will acquire a deeper and more comprehensive than the Ecuadorian Amazon has vision and offers in terms of natural resources and tourism.

The most important tourist resources in the province involving ecological rides well maintained trails, observation of own wildlife of the Amazon forest, rivers and waterfalls nestled in the rainforest, as well as modern facilities with artificial waves, swimming pools and water slides, rivers dammed in form of dikes, etc.
The capital of the Napo province is five hours by bus in the southwest of Quito, at 500m above sea level. Tena is not a major tourist destination and has many attractions to visit. But the landscape, with Puno and Tena rivers, which form the Misahuallí river here is very nice. In Tena there is much humidity and an average temperature of 25Cº. Tena is exporter of coffee, tea, sugarcane, oil palm, beef and naranjilla. It is a quiet town that one finds along the journey to the deepest rainforest.
It is characterized by its climate, lush vegetation and fauna indigenous nationalities and different traditions and customs.
Puerto Misahualli offers beautiful beaches Misahualli and Napo River, has beautiful hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions.

It has a spa with white sand river. The beach is decorated by dozens of trees that are the habitat of "Peco" the monkey and their descendants. If Peco finds a person in the park is about to be present. They are used to tourists and feel no fear to take what you need from houses and shops; They are one of the attractions of the town.



The Yasuni National Park is an infinite succession of small hills, formed by ancient rivers step. It houses one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world, home to the most varied representatives of tropical fauna and flora. It is a natural laboratory that offers the opportunity to learn about tropical systems, includes important basins of the Napo, Yasuni, Tiputini, Nashiño, Cononaco and several tributaries of Curaray.
The Napo, Cononaco and Curaray rivers are navigable throughout the winter and waterways are the main sectors hit access Park.
Location: The Aguarico canton has the presence of Yasuni National Park the same that was created in the year 1979.
Extension: Includes 982,000 hectares of forest.
Climate: It is hot and humid. The temperature ranges between 18 and 36C with an average of 24 to 26 ° C.

The main species are chontaduro, the ungurahua, saw palmetto, the pambil and chambira. It is easy to locate mosses, ferns, orchids and bromeliads
among fungi, lianas, creepers and lichens.

In the deep forest under no balm, mahogany, caimito, guámbula, jigua, sapodilla, tagua and raft. The area also has great diversity of herbs, vines and creepers; in moist gullies and channels are the platanillo streams.

representative flora are the chonta, chambira, chontilla, Caspi cross, cedar, chuncho, guarumo, Colorado, laurel, hearts of palm, banana plant, pambil, ungurahua, macrolobio, morete, raft, ivory palm, mahogany, a cat, chicken blood and drago.

Through studies they have determined that there are more than 500 species of birds, in terms of animals, they have recorded 173 species, although it is estimated that there are about 200 that correspond to 57% of all existing wildlife in the country.
There have been 62 species of snakes and more than 100 amphibian species, 43 of which relate solely to tree frogs, many such vivid colors as toxic.
The fish fauna consists of freshwater fish also represents high diversity.

The presence of large predators such as the jaguar and puma, is a sign that the wildlife still maintains a balance in their environment. They can be found in the Park species such as the giant otter, pink dolphins, tapirs, ocelots, peccaries and others. One of its main rivers is the Tiputini River, which for its spectacular flora and fauna is one of the biggest attractions of the park.
The biggest attraction of the Yasuni National Park is in three types of forest:
Non floodable land which constitutes 77% of the area, with tree species of 30 and 50 meters tall as cedar, chuncho and other species like mahogany, guambula, the caimito that according to the area share habitat with mosses, ferns, orchids, herbs, vine and vines.
The seasonally flooded or floodplain forest, which occupies 9% of the park area and where you can find Palmas, Sangre de Drago and Cruz Caspi and vines, lianas, mosses, lichens and ferns.
The forest permanently flooded or igapó, has a partially submerged vegetation by rivers of sewage for almost the entire year; one of the characteristic species is the guarango. In addition to this there is moretal or calm waters swamp forest where the predominant species is the morete, this is a palm gives accommodation to hundreds of species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
• Anango Lagoon: It is known for its attractive natural environment. From the Quichua community Anango there is a path that leads to the lagoon; It is a pedestrian path that takes about 1 hour and a half there is also the possibility of canoeing on the lagoon.

• Pañacocha Lagoon is located outside the National Park, near the northern border, it is very attractive and receives ongoing visit of tourists. The lagoon is great and very close to it there is a giant kapok tree that has been transformed into a natural observatory.
• Other attractions in the Yasuni Park are some attractions like lagoons, Anango, Garza Cocha and Jatuncocha, rivers such as the Yasuni, Tivacuno, Tiputini and others, so the aquatic fauna of fish, birds, mammals and reptiles associated with water bodies is very diverse. Because of its great diversity, ecosystems and habitats, has been declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Currently, regions near the Napo River are inhabited by indigenous Huaorani and Kichwa of ethnic groups on the Pompeii-Iro route.

Reserve Cuyabeno world's largest natural lake.

Cuyabeno Reserve was declared a protected area since July 26, 1979 with an area of ​​603,380 square kilometers (2,329.7 square miles), its main objective is the preservation of the Amazon ecosystem, the most complex ecosystem in the world
This reserve is a complex of rivers, lagoons and floating forests. This protected area is characterized by its high biodiversity and interrelationships between species that inhabit the area. Geomorphology of the reserve is a consequence of sediments and materials brought by rivers from the Andes mainly by the Aguarico River.

The huge volume of water coming down from the mountains naturally maintains high levels of current in the Amazon rivers, ensuring that they are navigable throughout the year. In the Wildlife Reserve Cuyabeno more than 10 species of monkeys, several species of birds and an incredible record of 307 species of trees per hectare. There are two seasons, dry and rainy. Admission is by river transport same as provided by local communities very few Tour Operators are qualified to work in this area. This is one reason why many tourists are not visiting the area, you can enjoy nature and magnificent sounds.

During the peak of the rainy season, thousands of hectares of forest are flooded, forming a natural lagoon El Dorado for an estimated 350 fish species, two species of alligators, boas and anacondas, and countless frogs and toads sing endless concerts. The dolphins have been spotted swimming in the flooded forests, Cuyabeno Lagoon - is dominated by the famous trees that are home Macrolobium innumerable epiphytes, herons, blue and yellow macaws and Huatzins.

Altitude: 200-280 meters. Climate: tropical humid.

The reserve is also home to rare species such as the legendary pink river dolphin, the Hoatzin or eagle in the region, with its wingspan of eight feet,

Many ethnic communities living on the banks of two major rivers, Elrio Aguarico and Cuyabeno river, in particular, the Cofan and Siona-Secoya, both legendary in this area. The Siona community inhabits the northern part of the Cuyabeno reserve in Puerto Bolívary the Tarapuy river.
The Siona, Secoya and Cofan (Shamans) healers are respected and admired by other communities in the jungle for his immense wisdom. Thousands of years of history are well guarded by these healers. They learned from their predecessors and passed on to new generations.
The visiting area is restricted to only one of the 14 lakes of the reserve (7 in the plain surrounding the Laguna Cuyabeno, Zancuda Cocha beside the River Aguarico and 6 on the border with Peru) is open to the public.
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