

The majestic Andes of the Ecuadorian Highlands

Ecuadorian Andes attract the attention of tourists with its blue skies of clouds rolling as well as colorful landscapes as if nature had woven tapestry upon them their own. A closer look, however, reveals that this amazing picture is not only an expression of nature, but also a result of the work of man. In the Andean peaks, the afternoon sun covers large areas of pristine moors, while below in the valleys, illuminated fields of corn, barley, wheat and quinoa, dyeing them golden reflections, amber, lilac and amethyst changing the inconstant passage of clouds. Its great natural and cultural diversity encompasses moorland, cloud forests, lakes
active volcanoes, hot springs, indigenous markets, cities, towns and colonial haciendas.

Spectacular Andean scenery

It's no coincidence that this region has the industry Ecuador's most developed tourist,which offers all kinds of accommodations, dining options, shopping opportunities and cultural festivals, all easily accessible from Quito, the capital.
In addition to the above, are the cities of Quito
, Otavalo and Baños Town, considered meccas travelers, not only of the Sierra but of the whole Ecuador. These cities offer a highly developed tourist infrastructure, so it is possible to find in them a wide selection of restaurants, hotels and activities in general to perform. Visitors can choose from a luxury suite at a farm 400 years old and a hostel for backpackers !!! between vegetarian pizza dinner one night and the next, roasted cuy ....

Quito light of America"

Most travelers coming to Ecuador, where they first arrive in Quito is sometimes described as a city with a village atmosphere, although in recent years has increasingly become a budding metropolis. Quito, capital of the Inca Empire North centuries ago, has a colonial Historical Center listed among the largest in Latin America. Declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO Historic Center of Quito is capable of carrying, its visitors, over centuries as you walk through the cobbled streets full of vendors with the most varied offers: from choclo (Andean corn ), to crafts, to techno music CDs.
Located quite strategically, Quito is also an excellent starting point for a number of trips of one or two days as rafting, exploring the cloud forest, bird watching, mountain biking, hot springs, and more.

Half of the world

North of Quito, just over half an hour of the Center, is the Monument to the Middle of the World, which marks the place where the equator passes. Among other attractions, has a museum that provides information about the four main regions of Ecuador and its ethnic groups, do not miss the opportunity to get a foot in each hemisphere.


The province of Imbabura, north of Quito, is famous for its lakes, its traditional indigenous communities with its adobe buildings and handicrafts made by its inhabitants. In the city of Otavalo is the Plaza de los Ponchos, best known indigenous market in Latin America and a must for most tourists coming to the country. This extravagant outdoor plaza, which on Saturday spills over many streets of the city, offers an invaluable variety of handicrafts, textiles, jewelery, souvenirs, all huge and endless rows.

Around Otavalo is a restored considerable number colonial farms that offer accommodation, part of its attraction is its extensive gardens in addition to its architectural feature typical chimneys of the place that keep shelter for cold nights most rooms horseback riding, a form very popular to get into contact with the landscapes and people of the Sierra.
Two hours north of Otavalo, they are various protected attractive for its spectacular mix of cloud forest and Andean plateau forests.

Train Ibarra San Lorenzo
Ibarra, capital of the province of Imbabura, is blanca.Ello epithet town, with its whitewashed colonial buildings, cobblestone streets and red roofs. In marked historic atmosphere horse-drawn cars that run many of its streets are added. Much of the tourists coming to Ibarra do to get on the train, down the foothills of the Sierra, reaches the coastal town of San Lorenzo, 193 miles (310 km).
This service has at times been intermittent. We recommend, before venturing, seek accurate information about it.

Avenue of the Volcanoes and Cotopaxi National Park

An hour and a half from Quito, along the Avenue of the Volcanoes, rises, with its almost perfect cone, one of the most iconic symbols of Ecuador, Cotopaxi (5,897 meters / +19 000 feet) volcano. Also one of the highest active volcanoes on the planet.
Some visitors with strength, and the will necessary preparation will fly down its slopes to crown its high summit. The volcano is the main attraction of the Cotopaxi National Park, covering several provinces and protects a large area of ​​wasteland, home to the Andean condor.

Quilotoa Circuit

Further south of the Avenue of the Volcanoes is the Quilotoa Circuit, a spectacular Andean trekking to and get away a little of the traditional area routes. Those adventurous hikers who make the effort will be rewarded with incredible hospitality and unparalleled mountain views, plus the possibility of a chance encounter with a llama herder or giggly "herd" of indigenous youth.
Traveling through these scenic routes you can visit the colorful Saturday market in Zumbahua which includes many flames; or where you can buy a painting Naif an indigenous artist. You can also stop by the lagoon Quilotoa, a volcanic lake of emerald green waters, located at 3 800 meters. If you complete the circuit, the traveler can reach Chugchilán and Toachi river canyon; visit a cheese factory the best European style on top of the moor, or venture into the cloud forest in the Ecological Reserve Iliniza. If it's Saturday, we recommend not miss one of the most important markets in the Sierra, the Saquisilí. Quilotoa circuit offers visitors an authentic image of the Ecuadorian highlands in ethnic places like Pujilí, Zumbahua, Quilotoa, Chugchilán, Sigchos and Saquisilí .. During the circuit you can find accommodation in Latacunga, colonial city that preserves attractive colonial structures All the route can be planned for three or four days.

Tungurahua Province

Tungurahua province is famous for its indigenous markets and Salasaca Pujilí where and pre-Inca designs, Inca, Spanish modern decorating the outline of the crocks and tapestries made by artisans. Here, the majestic Tungurahua capture the attention for the intrepid traveler. This volcano 5016 meters high have such illustrious as ferocious past, the locals know it well. In the middle of the road between Quito and Baños, estáAmbato, with its bus terminal that connects to most of the country and an impressive all traffic passing between two cities.

Baños Town
After a day of shopping, walking or climbing around, nothing better than a stop in Baños, a small town in a valley where all year inhabits spring. It is also an excellent starting point to visit the Amazon. (Watch the way, is as beautiful as reckless.) From Banos is also possible to Riobamba, where the train station leading to exciting ride is the Devil's Nose. In the past it was possible to get on the roof of the train but is currently prohibited to prevent accidents.

With one of the highest concentrations of biodiversity, which includes several hundred species of birds, Mindo is one of the most rewarding and accessible places of the Sierra. Just two and a half hours from Quito, in addition to its easy access, offers spectacular opportunities for bird watching, canopy, hiking and other outdoor activities.

About two hours from Quito, and hidden inside a small wet and cool intermountain valley between two volcanoes, visiting Papallacta could be planned day tour. Its main attractions are the hot springs and pools at the Hotel Termas de Papallacta. Many visitors stay only a few nights as much because in addition to the baths and the occasional walk, not much else to do here.

The Ecuador's highest volcano, Chimborazo, with 6,310 meters, nestled on its slopes many indigenous communities that still maintain their ancestral traditions. This volcano, whose summit pierces the clouds, invites experienced mountain climbers to crown. Those who manage to conquer will be rewarded with amazing views from its summit.

Increasingly grows the number of tourists who venture to the south. And those who do reach the provinces of Azuay and Loja, not only enjoy their hospitality and cuisine, also of its charming villages settled on the slopes of the Andes. Cuenca is Ecuador's third largest city. It offers visitors a wonderfully preserved colonial historical center, country lanes in and around the famous Inca ruins of Ingapirca.

Vilcabamba and Podocarpus National Park

Loja visitors can find splendid landscapes. Vilcabamba, famous for the longevity of its inhabitants, is the perfect place for travelers who want to stop a little to see grow plants. It offers all kinds of accommodation, same for backpackers than for other types of tourists, as well as therapeutic spas. From Vilcabamba it is possible to visit the Podocarpus National Park, an extraordinary collection of ecosystems ranging from wetlands to an endemic Podocarpus forest and cloud forest, excellent for bird watching.

Any time of year is good to visit the Ecuadorian Sierra. For those who prefer a drier climate, ideally from June to September, also in November and December. The rest of the year is considered rainy season. However, the inhabitants of the Sierra often say that here live the four seasons in one day since the morning usually tends to be spring, the summer noon, late autumn and winter night.
Ecuadorian Andes attract the attention of tourists with its blue skies billowing clouds. With a little luck you can meet some chagra (Andean cowboy) insurance that they will some traditional legend of condors abducting damsels, stories that have survived centuries between them.
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