

                                  Lovely Guayaquil!

Las Peñas neighborhood
Ecuador’s largest city and main port is the top access point for Galapagos cruises and home to a bustling import export business. Tourism is on the rise as well, thanks to urban renewal projects along the Guayas River boardwalk and the historic neighborhood of Las Peñas. The 465 step climb to the top of the Santa Ana Hill provide sweeping views and a chance to stand on the site of city’s birth place.

Malecon 2000

Photo of Malecon 2000
Stretching for several miles along the Rio Guayas, this lively boardwalk is well-patrolled day and night and features small food stands, other eateries and a blend of historic and modern buildings. Malecón 2000, one of the most extensive urban-renewal projects in South America, is made up of ponds, playgrounds, sculptures, gardens and river views. From its southernmost point at the Mercado Sur to Cerro Santa Ana and Las Peñas in the north, the malecón stretches 2.5km along the bank of the wide Río Guayas. It’s a gated, policed public space with restaurants, a museum, a performance space, an IMAX movie theater and a shopping mall.

Santay Island

It is located in the Guayas River 800 meters away from the city of Guayaquil and belongs to the canton Duran. The area of ​​the island comprises 2,179 hectares. There lie 56 families in 46 houses, 36 of which are at the entrance of the area. As of February 20, 2010, the island Santay is also a protected area and is part of the National System of Protected Areas National Recreation Area. 

Lifestyle and Environment 

The island is characterized by its warm people, live humbly and are the main tourist guides in the area. Children are very familiar with the site and while they guide will narrate the 7 major vegetation of mangrove forest, mixed forest of trees and grasses. The flora is also highlights the guasmo, the royal palm, black mangrove, guachapelí and saman. While the wildlife found reptiles like boa and iguana, mammals such as raccoon, ocelot, anteater and the bat. Aquatic fauna consists of corvina catfish, tilapia, which are used for consumption and for sale.

Bascule Bridge

Tourists and locals can access the island through the Bascule bridge which links Guayaquil to Santay. This pedestrian and bicycle bridge, 840 meters long, grants access to the island from Guayaquil in less than 15 minutes by foot and in a couple of minutes by bike.

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