
Quito, Quito my cute !!


quito colonial
More than city, is a historic ground: settlement possessor of incredible cultural, social, political and economic burden. Quito is the capital of Ecuador, but before being city was ancient land, home to an entire civilization for about 3,500 years, humankind shelter for more than 12,000.
Although most of the remains of these ancestors were destroyed by the medieval pre-modern, ie, the Conqueror, Quito man still has the evidence of its past. Its ancient history flows below the modern concrete and asphalt, entangles and merges in colonial architecture and art, the Quito School which was evidence of syncretism between the ancient Inca and quitu, with European Christian and tax.

Currently, the ancestral and millennial history of Quito lies still hidden, leaving small glimpse into everyday practices and customs, in mixtures of Catholic Christian practices with beliefs that refer to the sun, moon and nature. So quiteño it is formed, at the end the Ecuadorian also: crossbreeding that is not defined yet, synthesized contradiction, identity seeking rescue their lost ancestors but the pair pursues the foreign welfare model.

This contradiction is reflected in the great human contrast can be seen in the streets of Quito: executives, students, indigenous people in their traditional dress, street vendors, housekeepers, beggars, tourists, refugees, shoeshine boys, provincials, traders, between others; own contrast of most Latin American cities.

Quito city is not just step Galapagos, the Amazon, the beaches or the Avenue of the Volcanoes in the Andes. Quito has been for more than 5,000 years ago the center of a changing world and little known, spinal cultural, social, economic, political and spiritual of all this Andean region; soil sacred to many.

Thus, a survivor of many historical and daily battles, both social and tectonic earthquake, Quito stands at the foot of the Pichincha volcano, in the middle of the Andes, sheltered by the equatorial sky from blue to gray, and gray to dark, decorated by its clouds, fog and rain.

Quito is simple in treatment, complicated in their psyche and cheerful in daily, melodramatic but extraordinary once known. Sun City rectum, home of diversity in culture, origin, belief and condition. If you visit Quito, road as far as fatigue, entiéndala and Confront, you will feel how the city will surprise you and will not let go easily.
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